International Performance Art Music Ensemble MÁRAS (SÀPMI/NO, FI, USA/LV/EE) creates intuitive, poetic and psychedelic landscapes, through deep hypnotic and resonant music and mysterious installations imbued with rich folklore. They are a music and performance art collective that is in constant movement and change. Inspired by old music styles and singing traditions in the north such as yoiking and chanting, they carry ancient vibrations. They embark on a hypnotic and intuitive journey that hopes to create lasting vibrations in our consciousness.
MÀRAS as of today are Marita Isobel Solberg, Risto Puurunen and Steve Vanoni.
MARITA ISOBEL SOLBERG: misobel@gmail.com /+47 48445253
The ensemble are releasing music autumn 2025 and will be touring Europe in January and February 2026
Sanger Fra Jorden (Nordlys) (Norwegian)
Hva betyr det egentlig å synge fint? (Ballade) (Norwegian)
Máras playing at a wedding for Non Gratas Al & Taje in Tallinn, Estonia 2020
Then living legend of EST avangard art 72 year old Leonhard Lapin called Al Paldrok and said This Was The Wedding of The Century! And highlight definitely Maritas set - “it was so powerful and magic!”
Heard from Apelonija, Riga, Latvia
”A cosmic magic evening with avant-gardemusikk from Maras.” naglin_a
“Something else, yet so welcome...” Daina Zaláne
About experiencing Máras live, words from
Larry Rodriguez, musician and DJ from Sacramento, USA.
Interviuw in Estonian Ekspress
«I always look for music and sounds, from myself or others, that draw the soul back to the inner world, which connects with our spirit. My musical abilities are limited, but I have been able to overcome this limitation by soning into sounds that create energies from the past and the future and bring them into the inner feeling of the present moment. The realization that music and sound can do this first came to me when I saw the Tuvan ensemble, Huun Huur Tu, perform 25 years ago. I am currently very impressed with the work of the Norwegian Sami singer Marita Isobel Solberg. I just met her here at the Diverse Universe Performance Festival. She expresses the essence of true essence in all her music and art, there is a very instinctive shamanistic quality to it, and I believe all artists should strive for this state, regardless of what ethics our society had to follow.»
«Otsin alati muusikat ja helisid, endalt või teistelt, mis tõmbavad su hinge tagasi sisemaailma, mis loob ühenduse meie vaimuga. Minu muusikaline võime on piiratud, kuid olen suutnud seda piirangut ületada tsoneerides helisid, mis loovad mineviku ja tuleviku energiaid ning viivad need oleviku hetke sisemisse tunnetamisse. Arusaam, et muusika ja heli saavad seda teha, tekkis minus esimest korda, kui nägin Tuva ansamblit, Huun Huur Tu esinemist 25 aastat tagasi. Praegu olen Norra saami laulja Marita Isobel Solbergi loomingust väga vaimustatud. Kohtasin teda siinsamas Diverse Universe Performance Festivalil. Ta väljendab tõelise essentsi olemust kogu oma muusikas ja kunstis, selles on väga vaistlik šamanistlik kvaliteet ja ma arvan, et kõik kunstnikud peaksid selle oleku poole püüdlema, hoolimata sellest, millist eetikat meie ühiskond võib järgida.»
«Jeg leter alltid etter musikk og lyder, fra meg selv eller andre, som trekker sjelen tilbake til den indre verden, som forbindes med vår ånd. Min musikalske evne er begrenset, men jeg har vært i stand til å overvinne denne begrensningen ved å sone inn på lyder som skaper energier fra fortiden og fremtiden og bringe dem inn i den indre følelsen av nåværende øyeblikk. Erkjennelsen av at musikk og lyd kan gjøre dette gikk opp for meg først da jeg så Tuvan-ensemblet, Huun Huur Tu, opptre for 25 år siden. Jeg er for tiden veldig imponert over arbeidet til den norsksamiske sangeren Marita Isobel Solberg. Jeg møtte henne akkurat her på Diverse Universe Performance Festival. Hun uttrykker essensen av sann essens i all hennes musikk og kunst, det er en veldig instinktiv sjamanistisk kvalitet ved det, og jeg tror alle artister bør strebe etter denne tilstanden, uavhengig av hvilken etikk vårt samfunn måtte følge.»
At Aleponija in Riga, Latvia
Photo by Helias Dzimoulakis
From our performance at Viskali in Riga, Latvia 2025
Photo by Helias Dzimoulakis
From our performance at Viskali in Riga, Latvia 2025
Photo by Helias Dzimoulakis

Short videoclips from gigs.
From our performance at The Brewery Tap in Folkestone , Kent, UK
From our gig at The Lighthouse in Deal, Kent, UK
From our performance at The Brewery Tap, Folkestone, UK
From our performance at The Brewery Tap in Folkestone, UK